Distributor plays a fundamental role within the product guarantee mechanism. However, to make it efficient it is necessary to observe the guiding items that the performance of the Distributors should have in relation to the client and the factory.
Clarify to the client the rights and obligations when the sale of the product After the sale of the product, the Distributor should explain to the client the advantages offered by the guarantee, as well as the obligations that the client should comply with so as to be able to use of it.
The Terms of the Guarantee contained in the Owner's Manual and the Guarantee should be very clear in order to avoid the non-satisfaction of the client because they did not understand it properly.
It is the responsibility of the Distributor, upon delivery of the product, to inform the client in detail on the correct use of the product and its consequences if perchance the Factory instructions are not complied with.
Inspections according to factory instructions It is the responsibility of the Distributor to perform the inspections in accordance with the determinations established by the factory. The inspections are part of the guarantee, therefore, their non execution automatically cancels the guarantee.
Upon technical delivery of the product to the client, it is indispensable to inform them of the compliance with the preventive maintenance recommended by the factory. Preventive maintenance within the indicated periods reduces complaints and maintenance costs.
At the time of the sale it must be informed to the guarantee periods, coverage, limiting conditions and the limitations of the product guarantee, all according to the Term of the Guarantee.
The Distributor is responsible for deciding the validity or not of the guarantee to the client thus avoiding the forwarding of improper and badly informed complaints. The Distributor should seek to resolve problems with the client and not transfer them since they all have the responsibility to attend the client whether they are the vendor of the product or not.